# Copyright 2022 AI Singapore
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Calculates the cumulative average, minimum, and maximum of a single variable
of interest over time.
import operator
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.dabble.statisticsv1 import utils
# Order matters so that regex doesn't read ">=" as ">" or "<=" as "<"
# Dictionaries are insertion ordered from Python 3.6 onwards
OPS = {
">=": operator.ge,
">": operator.gt,
"==": operator.eq,
"<=": operator.le,
"<": operator.lt,
[docs]class Node(AbstractNode): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""Calculates the cumulative average, minimum, and maximum of a single
variable of interest (defined as ``current result`` here) over time. The
configurations for this node offer several functions to reduce the incoming
data type into a single ``current result`` of type :obj:`int` or
:obj:`float`, which is valid for the current video frame.
``current result`` is then used to recalculate the values of the cumulative
average, minimum, and maximum for PeekingDuck's running duration thus far.
The configuration for this node is described below using a combination of
the `Extended BNF
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Backus%E2%80%93Naur_form>`_ and
`Augmented BNF
metasyntax. Concrete examples are provided later for illustration. ::
pkd_data_type = ? PeekingDuck built-in data types ?
e.g. count, large_groups, obj_attrs
user_data_type = ? user data types produced by custom nodes ?
e.g. my_var, my_attrs
dict_key = ? Python dictionary keys, with optional nesting ?
e.g. ["ids"], ["details"]["age"]
data_type = pkd_data_type | user_data_type
target_attr = data_type | data_type "[" dict_key "]"
unary_function = "identity" | "length" | "maximum" | "minimum"
unary_expr = unary_function ":" target_attr
num_operator = "==" | ">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<"
num_operand = ? Python integers or floats ?
num_comparison = num_operator num_operand
str_operator = "=="
str_operand = ? Python strings enclosed by single or double quotes ?
str_comparison = str_operator str_operand
cond_function = "cond_count"
cond_expr = cond_function ":" target_attr ( num_comparison | str_comparison )
configuration = unary_expr | cond_expr
Points to note:
* Square brackets (``[]``) are used to define ``<dict_key>``, and
should not be used elsewhere in the configuration.
* Operands are processed differently depending on whether they are
enclosed by single/double quotes, or not. If enclosed, the operand is
assumed to be of type :obj:`str` and classified as ``<str_operand>``.
If not, the operand is classified as ``<num_operand>`` and converted
into :obj:`float` for further processing.
The table below illustrates how configuration choices reduce the incoming
data type into the ``<current result>``.
| ``<pkd_data_type>``: value | ``<target_attr>`` | ``<unary_expr>`` | ``<current |
| | | | result>`` |
| or | | or | |
| | | | |
| ``<user_data_type>``: value | | ``<cond_expr>`` | |
| count: 8 | count | identity: | 8 |
| | | | |
| | | count | |
| obj_attrs: { | obj_attrs["ids"] | length: | 3 |
| | | | |
| | | obj_attrs["ids"] | |
| ids: [1,2,4], +-------------------+-------------------+-------------+
| | obj_attrs | maximum: | 52 |
| details: { | ["details"] | | |
| | ["age"] | obj_attrs | |
| gender: ["male","male","female"], | | ["details"] | |
| | | ["age"] | |
| age: [52,17,48] }} +-------------------+-------------------+-------------+
| | obj_attrs | cond_count: | 2 |
| | ["details"] | | |
| | ["gender"] | obj_attrs | |
| | | ["details"] | |
| | | ["gender"] | |
| | | | |
| | | == "male" | |
| +-------------------+-------------------+-------------+
| | obj_attrs | cond_count: | 3 |
| | ["details"] | | |
| | ["age"] | obj_attrs | |
| | | ["details"] | |
| | | ["age"] | |
| | | | |
| | | < 60 | |
Note that :term:`cum_avg` will not be updated if there are no
detections. For example, if :term:`cum_avg` = 10 for video frame 1, and
there are no detections in the following 500 frames, :term:`cum_avg` is
still 10 for video frame 501.
identity (:obj:`str`): **default=null** |br|
Accepts ``<target_attr>`` of types :obj:`int` or :obj:`float`, and
returns the same value.
length (:obj:`str`): **default=null** |br|
Accepts ``<target_attr>`` of types :obj:`List[Any]` or
:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`, and returns its length.
minimum (:obj:`str`): **default=null** |br|
Accepts ``<target_attr>`` of types :obj:`List[float | int]` or
:obj:`Dict[str, float | int]`, and returns the minimum element
within for the current frame. Not to be confused with the
:term:`cum_min` output data type, which represents the cumulative
minimum over time.
maximum (:obj:`str`): **default=null** |br|
Accepts ``<target_attr>`` of types :obj:`List[float | int]` or
:obj:`Dict[str, float | int]`, and returns the maximum element
within for the current frame. Not to be confused with the
:term:`cum_max` output data type, which represents the cumulative
maximum over time.
cond_count (:obj:`str`): **default=null** |br|
Accepts ``<target_attr>`` of types :obj:`List[float | int | str]`,
and checks if each element in the list fulfils the condition
described by ``<num_comparison>`` or ``<str_comparison>``. The
number of elements that fulfil the condition are counted towards
``<current result>``.
def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs)
self.cum_avg, self.cum_min, self.cum_max = 0.0, float("inf"), float("-inf")
self.num_iter = 0
all_funcs = {
"cond_count": self.cond_count,
"identity": self.identity,
"length": self.length,
"minimum": self.minimum,
"maximum": self.maximum,
self.stats = utils.Stats(OPS)
self.data_type, self.keys = self.stats.prepare_data(all_funcs)
def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Calculates the average, minimum and maximum of a single variable of interest over time.
inputs (dict): Dictionary with all available keys.
outputs (dict): Dictionary with keys "cum_avg", "cum_min" and "cum_max".
self.curr = self.stats.get_curr_result(inputs[self.data_type], self.keys.copy())
# if no detections in this frame, do not update and return stats from previous detections
if self.curr:
return {
"cum_avg": self.cum_avg,
"cum_min": self.cum_min,
"cum_max": self.cum_max,
def _get_config_types(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns dictionary mapping the node's config keys to respective types."""
return {
"identity": Optional[str],
"length": Optional[str],
"minimum": Optional[str],
"maximum": Optional[str],
"cond_count": Optional[str],
def _update_stats(self, curr: Union[float, int]) -> None:
"""Updates the cum_avg, cum_min and cum_max values with the current value."""
if not isinstance(curr, (float, int)):
raise TypeError(
f"The current result has to be of type 'int' or 'float' to calculate statistics."
f"However, the current result here is: '{curr}' which is of type: {type(curr)}."
if curr < self.cum_min:
self.cum_min = curr
if curr > self.cum_max:
self.cum_max = curr
if self.num_iter == 0:
self.cum_avg = curr
self.cum_avg = (self.cum_avg * self.num_iter + curr) / (self.num_iter + 1)
self.num_iter += 1