Source code for draw.group_bbox_and_tag

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Draws large bounding boxes with tags, over identified groups of bounding boxes.

from typing import Any, Dict, List

import numpy as np

from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw.utils.bbox import draw_bboxes, draw_tags
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw.utils.constants import TOMATO

[docs]class Node(AbstractNode): """Draws large bounding boxes with tags over multiple object bounding boxes which have been identified as belonging to the same group. The :term:`large_groups` data type from :mod:`dabble.check_large_groups`, and the ``groups`` key of the :term:`obj_attrs` data type from :mod:`dabble.group_nearby_objs`, are inputs for this node which identifies the different groups, and the group associated with each bounding box. For better understanding, refer to the :doc:`Group Size Checking use case </use_cases/group_size_checking>`. Inputs: |img_data| |bboxes_data| |obj_attrs_data| :mod:`draw.group_bbox_and_tag` requires the ``groups`` attribute from :mod:`dabble.group_nearby_objs`. |large_groups_data| Outputs: |none_output_data| Configs: tag (:obj:`str`): **default = "LARGE GROUP!"**. |br| The string message printed when a large group is detected. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 :mod:`draw.group_bbox_and_tag` used to take in ``obj_tags`` (:obj:`List[str]`) as an input data type, which has been deprecated and now subsumed under :term:`obj_attrs`. The same attribute is accessed by using the ``groups`` key of :term:`obj_attrs`. """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs) def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Draws large bounding boxes over multiple object bounding boxes which have been identified as belonging to large groups. Args: inputs (dict): Dictionary with keys "img", "bboxes", "obj_attrs", "large_groups". Returns: outputs (dict): Dictionary with keys "none". """ group_bboxes = self._get_group_bbox_coords( inputs["large_groups"], inputs["bboxes"], inputs["obj_attrs"]["groups"] ) group_tags = self._get_group_tags(inputs["large_groups"], self.tag) # show labels set to False to reduce clutter on display draw_bboxes(inputs["img"], group_bboxes, [], False, TOMATO) draw_tags(inputs["img"], group_bboxes, group_tags, TOMATO) return {} def _get_config_types(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dictionary mapping the node's config keys to respective types.""" return {"tag": str} @staticmethod def _get_group_bbox_coords( large_groups: List[int], bboxes: List[np.ndarray], obj_groups: List[int] ) -> List[np.ndarray]: """For bboxes that belong to the same large group, get the coordinates of a large bbox that combines all these individual bboxes. Repeat for all large groups. """ group_bboxes = [] bboxes = np.array(bboxes) obj_groups = np.array(obj_groups) for group in large_groups: # filter relevant bboxes, select top-left and bot-right corners group_bbox = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) selected_bboxes = bboxes[obj_groups == group] group_bbox[:2] = np.amin(selected_bboxes, axis=0)[:2] group_bbox[2:] = np.amax(selected_bboxes, axis=0)[2:] group_bboxes.append(group_bbox) return group_bboxes @staticmethod def _get_group_tags(large_groups: List[int], tag: str) -> List[str]: """Creates a list of tags to be used for the draw_tags function.""" group_tags = [tag for _ in range(len(large_groups))] return group_tags