Source code for draw.instance_mask

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Draws instance segmentation masks.

import colorsys
from random import randint
from pydoc import locate
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, cast

import cv2
import numpy as np

from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.base import ThresholdCheckerMixin
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw.utils.constants import (

[docs]class Node(AbstractNode, ThresholdCheckerMixin): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """Draws instance segmentation masks on image. The :mod:`draw.mask` node draws instance segmentation masks onto the detected object instances. Inputs: |img_data| |masks_data| |bbox_labels_data| Outputs: |img_data| Configs: instance_color_scheme (:obj:`str`): **{"random", "hue_family"}, default = "hue_family"** |br| This defines what colors to use for the standard masks. |br| "hue_family": use the same hue for each instance belonging to the same class, but with a slightly different saturation. |br| "random": use a random color for all instances. effect (:obj:`dict`): **{contrast: null, brightness: null, gamma_correction: null, blur: null, mosaic: null}** |br| This defines the effect (if any) to apply to either the masked (objects) or unmasked (background) areas of the image. If no effect is selected, a "standard" instance segmentation mask will be drawn and colored according to the instance_color_scheme. |br| For example, to apply the contrast effect to the objects in the image, set the following config in pipeline_config.yml: effect : {contrast: 1.2} Note that at most one effect can be enabled at a time. +------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Effect | Description | Data Type | Range | +------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ | contrast | Adjusts contrast using this value | float | [0.0, 3.0] | | | as the "alpha" parameter. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ | brightness | Adjusts brightness using this | int | [-100, 100] | | | value as the "beta" parameter. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ | gamma_correction | Adjusts gamma using this value as | float | [0.0, +inf] | | | the "gamma" parameter. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ | blur | Blurs the area using this value as | int | [1, +inf] | | | the "blur_kernel_size" parameter. |br|| | | | | Larger values gives more intense | | | | | blurring. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ | mosaic | Mosaics the area using this value | int | [1, +inf] | | | as the resolution of a mosaic | | | | | filter |br| (width |times| height). | | | | | The number corresponds to the number | | | | | of rows |br| and columns used to | | | | | create a mosaic. For example, the | | | | | setting |br| (``mosaic: 25``) creates | | | | | a :math:`25 \\times 25` mosaic | | | | | filter. Increasing |br| the number | | | | | increases the intensity of | | | | | pixelation over an area. | | | +------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ effect_area (:obj:`str`): **{"objects", "background"}, default = "objects"** |br| This defines where the effect should be applied. |br| "objects": the effect is applied to the masked areas of the image. |br| "background": the effect is applied to the unmasked areas of the image. contours (:obj:`dict`): **{show: False, thickness: 2}** |br| +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+ | Contours | Description | Data Type | Range | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+ | show | This determines whether to show the contours of the masks. | bool | N.A. | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+ | thickness | This defines the thickness of the contours. | int | [1, +inf] | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+ """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs) self.class_instance_colors: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int, int]]] = {} self._validate_configs() def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Reads an input image and returns the image (1) with the instance segmentation masks drawn over the detected object instances, or (2) with a visual effect mask applied to it. The visual effect can be applied to the masked areas of the image or to the unmasked areas. Args: inputs (dict): Dictionary of inputs with keys "img", "masks", "bbox_labels". Returns: outputs (dict): Output in dictionary format with key "img". """ if self.effect is None: output_img = self._draw_standard_masks( inputs["img"], inputs["masks"], inputs["bbox_labels"], ) else: output_img = self._mask_apply_effect( inputs["img"], inputs["masks"], self.effect, ) return {"img": output_img} def _validate_configs(self) -> None: self.check_valid_choice("instance_color_scheme", {"random", "hue_family"}) effects_count = 0 self.effect = None for effect, setting in self.config["effect"].items(): if setting: effects_count += 1 self.effect = effect if effects_count > 1: raise ValueError("A maximum of one effect can be enabled at a time.") self.check_valid_choice("effect_area", {"objects", "background"}) valid_types = [ "effect|contrast, float", "effect|brightness, int", "effect|gamma_correction, float", "effect|blur, int", "effect|mosaic, int", "contours|show, bool", "contours|thickness, int", ] valid_ranges = [ "effect|contrast, [0.0, 3.0]", "effect|brightness, [-100, 100]", "effect|gamma_correction, [0.0, +inf]", "effect|blur, [1, +inf]", "effect|mosaic, [1, +inf]", "contours|thickness, [1, +inf]", ] self._check_configs(valid_types, criteria="type") self._check_configs(valid_ranges, criteria="range") def _check_configs(self, valid_settings: List[str], criteria: str) -> None: if criteria == "type": self._check_config_values(valid_settings, Node._type_checker) elif criteria == "range": self._check_config_values(valid_settings, Node._range_checker) else: raise ValueError("'criteria' parameter must be either 'type' or 'range'.") @staticmethod def _type_checker(var_name: str, value: Any, var_type: str) -> None: """Checks if the value is of the correct type.""" if value is not None and not isinstance(value, locate(var_type)): # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"{var_name} must be a {var_type} value.") @staticmethod def _range_checker(var_name: str, value: Any, number_range: str) -> None: """Checks if a value is within a range. The format for the number range is "[lower, upper]".""" if value is not None: lower, upper = [ float(value.strip()) for value in number_range[1:-1].split(",") ] if not lower <= value <= upper: raise ValueError( f"{var_name} must be within the range of {number_range}." ) def _check_config_values( self, valid_settings: List[str], checker: Callable ) -> None: """Checks the configs for valid data. The checker parameter determines the criteria that the config values are checked against. The valid_settings can handle nested configs, with names of different levels separated by a pipe (|). Example to illustrate format of 'valid_settings' parameter: config = { "not_nested": 10, "single_level_dict": { "contrast": 50.0, "text_setting": "sample string", }, "nested_dict": { "effect": { "blur": 50, } }, } valid_settings_for_types = [ "not_nested, int", "single_level_dict|contrast, float", "single_level_dict|text_setting, str", "nested_dict|effect|blur, int", ] valid_settings_for_ranges = [ "not_nested, [1, 10]", "single_level_dict|contrast, [0, 3]", "nested_dict|effect|blur, [1, +inf]", ] """ for valid_setting in valid_settings: criteria_input_list = valid_setting.split(",", maxsplit=1) var_location, var_criteria = ( criteria_input_list[0], criteria_input_list[1].strip(), ) variables = var_location.split("|") var_name = "config" dict_name = self.config while len(variables) > 1: var_name += f'["{variables[0]}"]' dict_name = dict_name.get(variables.pop(0)) # type: ignore var_name += f'["{variables[0]}"]' checker(var_name, dict_name[variables[0]], var_criteria) def _draw_standard_masks( # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-locals self, image: np.ndarray, masks: np.ndarray, bbox_labels: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Draws instance segmentation masks over detected objects. Args: image (numpy.ndarray): Input image. masks (numpy.ndarray): NumPy array of binary (0/1) masks, one mask for each detected object, in the same order as bbox_labels. bbox_labels (numpy.ndarray): NumPy array of strings representing the labels of detected objects. The order corresponds to ``masks``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Input image with instance segmentation masks applied to it. """ self.class_instance_counts: Dict[str, int] = {} full_sized_canvas = np.zeros(image.shape, image.dtype) ret_image = image for index, _ in enumerate(bbox_labels): color = self._get_instance_color(bbox_labels[index]) full_sized_canvas[:, :] = color coloured_seg_mask = cv2.bitwise_and( full_sized_canvas, full_sized_canvas, mask=masks[index] ) masked_area = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=masks[index]) masked_area_colored = cv2.addWeighted( coloured_seg_mask, ALPHA, masked_area, 1 - ALPHA, 0 ) # get the inverted mask i.e. image outside of the masked area mask_inv = 1 - masks[index] # remove masked area from image to be returned ret_image = cv2.bitwise_and(ret_image, ret_image, mask=mask_inv) ret_image = cv2.add(ret_image, masked_area_colored) if self.config["contours"]["show"]: ret_image = self._draw_contours(masks, ret_image, index) return ret_image def _get_instance_color(self, instance_class: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns color to use for next segmentation instance according to the chosen instance color scheme. Args: instance_class (str): Class of detected object. Returns: Tuple[int,int,int]: Color to use for next instance, in BGR. """ self.class_instance_counts[instance_class] = ( self.class_instance_counts.get(instance_class, 0) + 1 ) if self.class_instance_counts[instance_class] > len( self.class_instance_colors.setdefault(instance_class, []) ): # get new color color = self._get_new_instance_color(instance_class) # append new assigned color to instance_colors self.class_instance_colors[instance_class].append(color) else: # get color already assigned to this instance number color = self.class_instance_colors[instance_class][ self.class_instance_counts[instance_class] - 1 ] return color def _get_new_instance_color(self, instance_class: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Returns color to use for a new segmentation instance. When we encounter an instance that is one more than the count of instances of a particular class, the instance has not been assigned a color yet (from previous frames) and we need to get a new color. Depending on the chosen instance color scheme, this is how we determine the color: "random" - Random color. "hue_family" - Each object class uses a certain pre-assigned hue. Then each new instance will use the same hue, but with a slightly different saturation. Args: instance_class (str): Class of detected object. Returns: Tuple[int,int,int]: Color to use for next instance, in BGR. """ if self.config["instance_color_scheme"] == "random": color_hsv = (randint(0, 179), randint(100, 255), 255) color = self._hsv_to_bgr(color_hsv) elif self.config["instance_color_scheme"] == "hue_family": if not self.class_instance_colors.get(instance_class): color = CLASS_COLORS.get(instance_class, DEFAULT_CLASS_COLOR) else: color = self.class_instance_colors.get(instance_class)[-1] # type: ignore color_hsv = self._bgr_to_hsv(color) # we use a minimum saturation of 100 to avoid too light colors, # thus we increment saturation by step size of (256-100)/8. saturation = ( color_hsv[1] + (256 - SATURATION_MINIMUM) / SATURATION_STEPS ) % 256 if saturation < SATURATION_MINIMUM: saturation += SATURATION_MINIMUM color_hsv = (color_hsv[0], int(saturation), color_hsv[2]) color = self._hsv_to_bgr(color_hsv) return color def _draw_contours( self, masks: np.ndarray, image: np.ndarray, index: int = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Draws contours around instance segmentation masks. If 'index' is given, only the contour of the mask with the given index is drawn.""" ret_image = image masks_to_process = [index] if index else range(masks.shape[0]) for i in masks_to_process: contour, _ = cv2.findContours( masks[i], cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) cv2.drawContours( ret_image, contour, -1, CONTOUR_COLOR, self.config["contours"]["thickness"], ) return ret_image def _mask_apply_effect( self, image: np.ndarray, masks: np.ndarray, effect: str ) -> np.ndarray: """Applies the chosen effect to the image and masks.""" combined_masks = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") # combine all the individual masks for mask in masks: np.putmask(combined_masks, mask, 1) if self.config["effect_area"] == "objects": effect_area = combined_masks else: # effect_area == "background" effect_area = 1 - combined_masks if effect in ["contrast", "brightness"]: full_image_with_effect = self._adjust_contrast_brightness(image, effect) elif effect == "gamma_correction": full_image_with_effect = self._gamma_correction(image) elif effect == "blur": full_image_with_effect = cv2.blur( image, (self.config["effect"]["blur"], self.config["effect"]["blur"]), ) elif effect == "mosaic": full_image_with_effect = self._mosaic_image(image) effect_area_with_effect = cv2.bitwise_and( full_image_with_effect, full_image_with_effect, mask=effect_area ) # get the inverted mask effect_area_inv = 1 - effect_area # remove effect area from original image image_empty_effect_area = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=effect_area_inv) # add both images together ret_image = cv2.add(image_empty_effect_area, effect_area_with_effect) if self.config["contours"]["show"]: ret_image = self._draw_contours(masks, ret_image) return ret_image def _adjust_contrast_brightness(self, image: np.ndarray, effect: str) -> np.ndarray: if effect == "contrast": alpha = self.config["effect"]["contrast"] beta = 0 else: # i.e. effect == "brightness" alpha = 1 beta = self.config["effect"]["brightness"] return cv2.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) def _gamma_correction(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: lookup_table = np.empty((1, 256), np.uint8) for i in range(256): lookup_table[0, i] = np.clip( pow(i / 255.0, self.config["effect"]["gamma_correction"]) * 255.0, 0, 255, ) image_gamma_corrected = cv2.LUT(image, lookup_table) return image_gamma_corrected def _mosaic_image(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: height, width = image.shape[:2] ret_image = cv2.resize( image, (self.config["effect"]["mosaic"], self.config["effect"]["mosaic"]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, ) ret_image = cv2.resize( ret_image, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST ) return ret_image @staticmethod def _bgr_to_hsv(bgr: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: hsv_norm = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(bgr[2] / 255, bgr[1] / 255, bgr[0] / 255) hsv = (int(hsv_norm[0] * 127), int(hsv_norm[1] * 255), int(hsv_norm[2] * 255)) return hsv @staticmethod def _hsv_to_bgr(hsv: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: rgb_norm = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0] / 127, hsv[1] / 255, hsv[2] / 255) rgb = [int(x * 255) for x in rgb_norm] bgr = cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(rgb[::-1])) return bgr