Source code for draw.tag

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"""Draws a tag (from :term:`obj_attrs`) above each bounding box."""

import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.base import ThresholdCheckerMixin
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw.utils.bbox import draw_tags

[docs]class Node(ThresholdCheckerMixin, AbstractNode): """Draws a tag above each bounding box in the image, using information from selected attributes in :term:`obj_attrs`. In the general example below, :term:`obj_attrs` has 2 attributes (`<attr a>` and `<attr b>`). There are `n` detected bounding boxes, and each attribute has `n` corresponding tags stored in a list. The ``show`` config described subsequently is used to choose the attribute or attributes to be drawn. :: {"obj_attrs": {<attr a>: [<tag 1>, ..., <tag n>], <attr b>: [<tag 1>, ..., <tag n>]}} The following type conventions need to be observed: * Each attribute must be of type :obj:`List`, e.g., ``<attr a>: [<tag 1>, ..., <tag n>]`` * Each tag must be of type :obj:`str`, :obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, or :obj:`bool` to be convertable into :obj:`str` type for drawing In the example below, :term:`obj_attrs` has 3 attributes (`"ids"`, `"gender"` and `"age"`), where the last 2 attributes are nested within `"details"`. There are 2 detected bounding boxes, and thus each attribute consists of a list with 2 tags. :: # Example {"obj_attrs": {"ids":[1,2], "details": {"gender": ["female","male"], "age": [52,17]}} The table below illustrates how ``show`` can be configured to achieve different outcomes for this example. Key takeaways are: * To draw nested attributes, include all the keys leading to them (within the :term:`obj_attrs` dictionary), separating each key with a ``->``. * To draw multiple comma-separated attributes above each bounding box, add them to the list of ``show`` config. +-----+-----------------------------------------+---------------+---------------+ | No. | ``show`` config | Tag above 1st | Tag above 2nd | | | | bounding box | bounding box | +=====+=========================================+===============+===============+ | 1. | ["ids"] | "1" | "2" | +-----+-----------------------------------------+---------------+---------------+ | 2. | ["details -> gender"] | "female" | "male" | +-----+-----------------------------------------+---------------+---------------+ | 3. | ["details -> age", "details -> gender"] | "52, female" | "17, male" | +-----+-----------------------------------------+---------------+---------------+ Inputs: |img_data| |bboxes_data| |obj_attrs_data| Outputs: |none_output_data| Configs: show (:obj:`List[str]`): **default = []**. |br| List of desired attributes to be drawn. For more details on how to use this config, see the section above. tag_color (:obj:`List[int]`): **default = [77, 103, 255]**. |br| Define the color of the drawn tag, in BGR format. Defined values have to be integers, and :math:`0 \\leq value \\leq 255`. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 :mod:`draw.tag` used to take in ``obj_tags`` (:obj:`List[str]`) as an input data type, which has been deprecated and now subsumed under :term:`obj_attrs`, giving this node more flexibility. Also, the ``tag_color`` config is added to provide the option of changing the tag's color. """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs) self.check_bounds("tag_color", "[0, 255]") self.attr_keys = [] if not raise KeyError( "The 'show' config is currently empty. Add the desired attributes to be drawn " "to the list, in order to proceed." ) for attr in attr = attr.replace(" ", "") self.attr_keys.append(attr.split(r"->")) def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Draws a tag above each bounding box. Args: inputs (dict): Dictionary with keys "bboxes", "obj_attrs", "img". Returns: outputs (dict): Dictionary with keys "none". """ tags = self._tags_from_obj_attrs(inputs["obj_attrs"]) # if empty list, nothing to draw if not tags: return {} draw_tags(inputs["img"], inputs["bboxes"], tags, self.tag_color) return {} def _get_config_types(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dictionary mapping the node's config keys to respective types.""" return {"show": List[str], "tag_color": List[int]} def _tags_from_obj_attrs(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]: """Process inputs from various attributes into tags for drawing.""" all_attrs: List[List[Any]] = [] attr_keys = copy.deepcopy(self.attr_keys) for attr_key in attr_keys: attr = _deep_get_value(inputs, attr_key) if not isinstance(attr, list): raise TypeError( f"The attribute of interest has to be of type 'list', containing a list of " f"tags. However, the attribute chosen here was: {attr} which is of type: " f"{type(attr)}." ) all_attrs.append(attr) tags = [] # all_attrs: [["a","b"], [1,2]] -> list(zip): [("a",1), ("b",2)] -> tags: ["a, 1", "b, 2"] for idx, obj in enumerate(list(zip(*all_attrs))): # only check for the first object for efficiency if idx == 0: for tag in obj: if not _check_valid_type(tag, str, int, float, bool): raise TypeError( f"A tag has to be of type 'str', 'int', 'float' or 'bool' to be " f"convertable to a string. However, the tag: {tag} is of type: " f"{type(tag)}" ) attr_str = map(str, obj) tags.append(", ".join(attr_str)) return tags
def _deep_get_value(data: Dict[str, Any], keys: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Recursively goes through the keys of a dictionary to obtain the final value.""" if not keys: return data key = keys.pop(0) return _deep_get_value(data[key], keys) def _check_valid_type(tag: Any, *types: type) -> bool: """Checks the type of tag against all given types.""" for data_type in types: if isinstance(tag, data_type): return True return False