Source code for model.mtcnn

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"""🔲 Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks for face detection. Works best
with unmasked faces.

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np

from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model.mtcnnv1 import mtcnn_model

[docs]class Node(AbstractNode): """Initializes and uses the MTCNN model to infer bboxes from an image frame. The MTCNN node is a single-class model capable of detecting human faces. To a certain extent, it is also capable of detecting bounding boxes around faces with face masks (e.g. surgical masks). Inputs: |img_data| Outputs: |bboxes_data| |bbox_scores_data| |bbox_labels_data| Configs: weights_parent_dir (:obj:`Optional[str]`): **default = null**. |br| Change the parent directory where weights will be stored by replacing ``null`` with an absolute path to the desired directory. min_size (:obj:`int`): **default = 40**. |br| Minimum height and width of face in pixels to be detected. scale_factor (:obj:`float`): **[0, 1], default = 0.709**. |br| Scale factor to create the image pyramid. A larger scale factor produces more accurate detections at the expense of inference speed. network_thresholds (:obj:`List[float]`): **[0, 1], default = [0.6, 0.7, 0.7]**. |br| Threshold values for the Proposal Network (P-Net), Refine Network (R-Net) and Output Network (O-Net) in the MTCNN model. Calibration is performed at each stage in which bounding boxes with confidence scores less than the specified threshold are discarded. score_threshold (:obj:`float`): **[0, 1], default = 0.7**. |br| Bounding boxes with confidence scores less than the specified threshold in the final output are discarded. References: Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks: Model weights trained by .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 |br| ``mtcnn_min_size`` is renamed to ``min_size``. |br| ``mtcnn_factor`` is renamed to ``scale_factor``. |br| ``mtcnn_thresholds`` is renamed to ``network_thresholds``. |br| ``mtcnn_score`` is renamed to ``score_threshold``. """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs) self.model = mtcnn_model.MTCNNModel(self.config) def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Reads the image input and returns the bboxes, scores and labels of faces detected. Args: inputs (dict): Dictionary of inputs with key "img". Returns: outputs (dict): Outputs in dictionary format with keys "bboxes", "bbox_scores", and "bbox_labels". """ bboxes, bbox_scores, _ = self.model.predict(inputs["img"]) bbox_labels = np.array(["face"] * len(bboxes)) bboxes = np.clip(bboxes, 0, 1) return { "bboxes": bboxes, "bbox_labels": bbox_labels, "bbox_scores": bbox_scores, } def _get_config_types(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dictionary mapping the node's config keys to respective types.""" return { "min_size": int, "network_thresholds": List[float], "scale_factor": float, "score_threshold": float, "weights_parent_dir": Optional[str], }