Source code for model.posenet

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"""🕺 Fast Pose Estimation model."""

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model.posenetv1 import posenet_model

[docs]class Node(AbstractNode): """Initializes a PoseNet model to detect human poses from an image. The PoseNet node is capable of detecting multiple human figures simultaneously per inference and for each detected human figure, 17 keypoints are estimated. The keypoint indices table can be found :ref:`here <whole-body-keypoint-ids>`. Inputs: |img_data| Outputs: |bboxes_data| |keypoints_data| |keypoint_scores_data| |keypoint_conns_data| |bbox_labels_data| Configs: model_type (:obj:`Union[str, int]`): **{"resnet", 50, 75, 100}, default="resnet"**. |br| Defines the backbone model for PoseNet. weights_parent_dir (:obj:`Optional[str]`): **default = null**. |br| Change the parent directory where weights will be stored by replacing ``null`` with an absolute path to the desired directory. resolution (:obj:`Dict`): **default = { height: 225, width: 225 }**. |br| Resolution of input array to PoseNet model. max_pose_detection (:obj:`int`): **default = 10**. |br| Maximum number of poses to be detected. score_threshold (:obj:`float`): **[0, 1], default = 0.4**. |br| Detected keypoints confidence score threshold, only keypoints above threshold will be kept in output. References: PersonLab: Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with a Bottom-Up, Part-Based, Geometric Embedding Model: Code adapted from """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs) self.model = posenet_model.PoseNetModel(self.config) def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Reads the image input and returns the bboxes of the specified objects chosen to be detected. """ bboxes, keypoints, keypoint_scores, keypoint_conns = self.model.predict( inputs["img"] ) bbox_labels = np.array(["person"] * len(bboxes)) bboxes = np.clip(bboxes, 0, 1) outputs = { "bboxes": bboxes, "bbox_labels": bbox_labels, "keypoints": keypoints, "keypoint_scores": keypoint_scores, "keypoint_conns": keypoint_conns, } return outputs def _get_config_types(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dictionary mapping the node's config keys to respective types.""" return { "max_pose_detection": int, "model_type": Union[str, int], "resolution": Dict[str, int], "resolution.height": int, "resolution.width": int, "score_threshold": float, "weights_parent_dir": Optional[str], }