🎯 Human detection and tracking model that balances the importance between detection and re-ID tasks.
- class Node(config=None, **kwargs)[source]
Initializes and uses FairMOT tracking model to detect and track people from the supplied image frame.
FairMOT is based on the anchor-free object detector CenterNet with modifications to balance the importance between detection and re-identification tasks in an object tracker.
- Inputs
): A NumPy array of shape \((height, width, channels)\) containing the image data in BGR format.- Outputs
): A NumPy array of shape \((N, 4)\) containing normalized bounding box coordinates of \(N\) detected objects. Each bounding box is represented as \((x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2)\) where \((x_1, y_1)\) is the top-left corner and \((x_2, y_2)\) is the bottom-right corner. The order corresponds to bbox_labels and bbox_scores.bbox_labels
): A NumPy array of shape \((N)\) containing strings representing the labels of detected objects. The order corresponds to bboxes and bbox_scores.bbox_scores
): A NumPy array of shape \((N)\) containing confidence scores \([0, 1]\) of detected objects. The order corresponds to bboxes and bbox_labels.obj_attrs
(Dict[str, Any]
): A dictionary of attributes associated with each bounding box, in the same order as bboxes. Different nodes that produce this obj_attrs output type may contribute different attributes.model.fairmot
produces theids
attribute which contains the tracking IDs of the detections.- Configs
weights_parent_dir (
) – default = null.
Change the parent directory where weights will be stored by replacingnull
with an absolute path to the desired directory.score_threshold (
) – default = 0.5.
Object confidence score threshold.K (
) – default = 500.
Maximum number of objects output during the object detection stage.min_box_area (
) – default = 100.
Minimum value for area of detected bounding box. Calculated by width * height.track_buffer (
) – default = 30.
Threshold to remove track if track is lost for more frames than value.input_size (
) – default = [864, 480].
Size (width, height) of the input image to the model. Raw video/image frames will be resized to theinput_size
before they are fed to the model.
FairMOT: On the Fairness of Detection and Re-Identification in Multiple Object Tracking
Model weights trained by: