Source code for output.csv_writer

# Copyright 2022 AI Singapore
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Records the nodes' outputs to a CSV file."""

import logging
import textwrap
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.output.utils.csvlogger import CSVLogger

[docs]class Node(AbstractNode): """Tracks user-specified parameters and outputs the results in a CSV file. Inputs: ``all`` (:obj:`List`): A placeholder that represents a flexible input. Actual inputs to be written into the CSV file can be configured in ``stats_to_track``. Outputs: |none_output_data| Configs: stats_to_track (:obj:`List[str]`): **default = ["keypoints", "bboxes", "bbox_labels"]**. |br| Parameters to log into the CSV file. The chosen parameters must be present in the data pool. file_path (:obj:`str`): **default = "PeekingDuck/data/stats.csv"**. |br| Path of the CSV file to be saved. The resulting file name would have an appended timestamp. logging_interval (:obj:`int`): **default = 1**. |br| Interval between each log, in terms of seconds. """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logging_interval = int(self.logging_interval) # type: ignore self.file_path = Path(self.file_path) # type: ignore # check if file_path has a '.csv' extension if self.file_path.suffix != ".csv": raise ValueError("Filepath must have a '.csv' extension.") self._file_path_datetime = self._append_datetime_file_path(self.file_path) self._stats_checked = False self.stats_to_track: List[str] self.csv_logger = CSVLogger( self._file_path_datetime, self.stats_to_track, self.logging_interval ) def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Writes the current state of the tracked statistics into the csv file as a row entry Args: inputs (dict): The data pool of the pipeline. Returns: outputs: [None] """ # reset and terminate when there are no more data if inputs["pipeline_end"]: self._reset() return {} if not self._stats_checked: self._check_tracked_stats(inputs) # self._stats_to_track might change after the check self.csv_logger = CSVLogger( self._file_path_datetime, self.stats_to_track, self.logging_interval ) self.csv_logger.write(inputs, self.stats_to_track) return {} def _check_tracked_stats(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Checks whether user input statistics is present in the data pool of the pipeline. Statistics not present in data pool will be ignored and dropped. """ valid = [] invalid = [] for stat in self.stats_to_track: if stat in inputs: valid.append(stat) else: invalid.append(stat) if invalid: msg = textwrap.dedent( f"""\ {invalid} are not valid outputs. Data pool only has this outputs: {list(inputs.keys())} Only {valid} will be logged in the csv file. """ ) self.logger.warning(msg) # update stats_to_track with valid stats found in data pool self.stats_to_track = valid self._stats_checked = True def _get_config_types(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns dictionary mapping the node's config keys to respective types.""" return {"stats_to_track": List[str], "file_path": str, "logging_interval": int} def _reset(self) -> None: del self.csv_logger # initialize for use in run self._stats_checked = False @staticmethod def _append_datetime_file_path(file_path: Path) -> Path: """Append time stamp to the filename.""" current_time = # output as '240621-15-09-13' time_str = current_time.strftime("%d%m%y-%H-%M-%S") # append timestamp to filename before extension # Format: filename_timestamp.extension file_path_with_timestamp = file_path.with_name( f"{file_path.stem}_{time_str}{file_path.suffix}" ) return file_path_with_timestamp