

Records the nodes’ outputs to a CSV file.

class Node(config=None, **kwargs)[source]

Tracks user-specified parameters and outputs the results in a CSV file.


all (List) – A placeholder that represents a flexible input. Actual inputs to be written into the CSV file can be configured in stats_to_track.


none: No outputs produced.

  • stats_to_track (List[str]) – default = [“keypoints”, “bboxes”, “bbox_labels”].
    Parameters to log into the CSV file. The chosen parameters must be present in the data pool.

  • file_path (str) – default = “PeekingDuck/data/stats.csv”.
    Path of the CSV file to be saved. The resulting file name would have an appended timestamp.

  • logging_interval (int) – default = 1.
    Interval between each log, in terms of seconds.