Calling PeekingDuck in Python
Using PeekingDuck’s Pipeline
As an alternative to running PeekingDuck using the command-line interface (CLI), users can also import PeekingDuck as a Python module and run it in a Python script. This demo corresponds to the Record Video File with FPS Section of the Duck Confit tutorial.
In addition, we will demonstrate basic debugging techniques which users can employ when troubleshooting PeekingDuck projects.
Setting Up
Create a PeekingDuck project using:
Terminal Session
Then, download the cat and computer video
to the pkd_project
folder and create a Python script
in the same folder.
You should have the following directory structure at this point:
pkd_project/ ⠀ ├── cat_and_computer.mp4 ├── ├── pipeline_config.yml └── src/ ⠀
Creating a Custom Node for Debugging
Run the following to create a dabble
node for debugging:
Terminal Session
The command will create the
and debug.yml
files in your project directory as
pkd_project/ ⠀ ├── cat_and_computer.mp4 ├── ├── pipeline_config.yml └── src/ ⠀ └── custom_nodes/ ⠀ ├── configs/ ⠀ │ └── dabble/ ⠀ │ └── debug.yml └── dabble/ ⠀ └──
Change the content of debug.yml
1input: ["all"]
2output: ["none"]
Line 1: The data type all
allows the node to receive all outputs from the previous
nodes as its input. Please see the Glossary for a list of available
data types.
Change the content of
Show/Hide Code
1from typing import Any, Dict
3import numpy as np
5from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.abstract_node import AbstractNode
8class Node(AbstractNode):
9 def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
10 super().__init__(config, node_path=__name__, **kwargs)
11 self.frame = 0
13 def run(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: # type: ignore
14 if "cat" in inputs["bbox_labels"]:
15 print(
16 f"{self.frame} {inputs['bbox_scores'][np.where(inputs['bbox_labels'] == 'cat')]}"
17 )
18 self.frame += 1
19 return {}
Lines 14 - 17: Print out the frame number and the confidence scores of bounding boxes which are detected as “cat”.
Line 18: Increment the frame number each time run()
is called.
Creating the Python Script
Copy over the following code to
Show/Hide Code
1from pathlib import Path
3from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.dabble import fps
4from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw import bbox, legend
5from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input import visual
6from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model import yolo
7from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.output import media_writer, screen
8from peekingduck.runner import Runner
9from src.custom_nodes.dabble import debug
12def main():
13 debug_node = debug.Node(pkd_base_dir=Path.cwd() / "src" / "custom_nodes")
15 visual_node = visual.Node(source=str(Path.cwd() / "cat_and_computer.mp4"))
16 yolo_node = yolo.Node(detect=["cup", "cat", "laptop", "keyboard", "mouse"])
17 bbox_node = bbox.Node(show_labels=True)
19 fps_node = fps.Node()
20 legend_node = legend.Node(show=["fps"])
21 screen_node = screen.Node()
23 media_writer_node = media_writer.Node(output_dir=str(Path.cwd() / "results"))
25 runner = Runner(
26 nodes=[
27 visual_node,
28 yolo_node,
29 debug_node,
30 bbox_node,
31 fps_node,
32 legend_node,
33 screen_node,
34 media_writer_node,
35 ]
36 )
40if __name__ == "__main__":
41 main()
Lines 9, 13: Import and initialize the debug
custom node. Pass in the
via pkd_base_dir
for the configuration YAML file of
the custom node to be loaded properly.
Lines 15 - 23: Create the PeekingDuck nodes necessary to replicate the demo shown in the
Record Video File with FPS tutorial. To change the node
configuration, you can pass the new values to the Node()
constructor as keyword arguments.
Lines 25 - 37: Initialize the PeekingDuck Runner
from with the
list of nodes passed in via the nodes
A PeekingDuck node can be created in Python code by passing a dictionary of config keyword -
config value pairs to the Node()
Running the Python Script
Run the
script using:
Terminal Session
You should see the following output in your terminal:
12022-02-24 16:33:06 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual INFO: Config for node input.visual is updated to: 'source': ~user/pkd_project/cat_and_computer.mp4
22022-02-24 16:33:06 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual INFO: Video/Image size: 720 by 480
32022-02-24 16:33:06 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.input.visual INFO: Filepath used: ~user/pkd_project/cat_and_computer.mp4
42022-02-24 16:33:06 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model.yolo INFO: Config for node model.yolo is updated to: 'detect': [41, 15, 63, 66, 64]
52022-02-24 16:33:06 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model.yolov4.yolo_files.detector INFO: Yolo model loaded with following configs:
6 Model type: v4tiny,
7 Input resolution: 416,
8 IDs being detected: [41, 15, 63, 66, 64]
9 Max Detections per class: 50,
10 Max Total Detections: 50,
11 IOU threshold: 0.5,
12 Score threshold: 0.2
132022-02-24 16:33:07 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw.bbox INFO: Config for node draw.bbox is updated to: 'show_labels': True
142022-02-24 16:33:07 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.dabble.fps INFO: Moving average of FPS will be logged every: 100 frames
152022-02-24 16:33:07 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.output.media_writer INFO: Config for node output.media_writer is updated to: 'output_dir': ~user/pkd_project/results
162022-02-24 16:33:07 peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.output.media_writer INFO: Output directory used is: ~user/pkd_project/results
170 [0.90861976]
181 [0.9082737]
192 [0.90818006]
203 [0.8888804]
214 [0.8877487]
225 [0.9071386]
236 [0.870267]
Lines 17 - 23: The debugging output showing the frame number and the confidence score of bounding boxes predicted as “cat”.
Integrating with Your Workflow
The modular design of PeekingDuck allows users to pick and choose the nodes they want to use. Users are also able to use PeekingDuck nodes with external packages when designing their pipeline.
In this demo, we will show how users can construct a custom PeekingDuck pipeline using:
Data loaders such as tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory (available in
),External packages (not implemented as PeekingDuck nodes) such as easyocr, and
Visualization packages such as matplotlib.
The notebook corresponding to this tutorial, calling_peekingduck_in_python.ipynb
, can be found in the
notebooks folder of the
PeekingDuck repository and is also available as a
Colab notebook.
Running Locally
Install Prerequisites
Show/Hide Instructions for Linux/Mac (Intel)/Windows
pip install easyocr
pip uninstall -y opencv-python-headless opencv-contrib-python
pip install "tensorflow<2.8.0,>=2.3.0" opencv-contrib-python== matplotlib oidv6 lap==0.4.0
pip install colorama==0.4.4
The uninstallation step is necessary to ensure that the proper version of OpenCV is installed.
You may receive an error message about the incompatibility between awscli
. awscli
is conservative about pinning versions to maintain backward
compatibility. The code presented in this tutorial has been tested to work and we have chosen
to prioritize PeekingDuck’s dependency requirements.
Show/Hide Instructions for Mac (Apple Silicon)
conda create -n pkd_notebook python=3.8
conda activate pkd_notebook
conda install jupyterlab matplotlib click colorama opencv openblas pyyaml \
requests scipy shapely tqdm pillow scikit-image python-bidi pandas awscli progressbar2
pip install easyocr oidv6 lap
pip uninstall opencv-contrib-python opencv-python-headless
# Pick one:
# for macOS Big Sur
conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps=2.6.0
pip install tensorflow-estimator==2.6.0 tensorflow-macos==2.6.0
pip install tensorflow-metal==0.2.0
# for macOS Monterey
conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
pip install tensorflow-macos tensorflow-metal
pip install torch torchvision
pip install 'peekingduck==1.2.0' --no-dependencies
We install the problematic packages easyocr
and oidv6
first and then uninstall the
-related OpenCV packages which were installed as dependencies. Mac (Apple silicon)
needs conda
’s OpenCV.
There will be a warning that easyocr
needs some version of Pillow which can be ignored.
Download Demo Data
We are using Open Images Dataset V6 as the dataset for this demo. We recommend using the third-party oidv6 PyPI package to download the images necessary for this demo.
Run the following command after installing the prerequisites:
Terminal Session
Copy calling_peekingduck_in_python.ipynb
to the pkd_project
folder and you should have the
following directory structure at this point:
pkd_project/ ⠀ ├── calling_peekingduck_in_python.ipynb └── data/ ⠀ └── oidv6/ ⠀ ├── boxes/ ⠀ ├── metadata/ ⠀ └── train/ ⠀ └── car/ ⠀
Import the Modules
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1import os
2from pathlib import Path
4import cv2
5import easyocr
6import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7import numpy as np
8import tensorflow as tf
9from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw import bbox
10from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model import yolo_license_plate
12%matplotlib inline
Lines 9 - 10: You can also do:
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.draw import bbox as pkd_bbox
from peekingduck.pipeline.nodes.model import yolo_license_plate as pkd_yolo_license_plate
bbox_node = pkd_bbox.Node()
yolo_license_plate_node = pkd_yolo_license_plate.Node()
to avoid potential name conflicts.
Initialize PeekingDuck Nodes
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1yolo_lp_node = yolo_license_plate.Node()
3bbox_node = bbox.Node(show_labels=True)
Lines 3: To change the node configuration, you can pass the new values to the Node()
constructor as keyword arguments.
Refer to the API Documentation for the configurable settings for each node.
Create a Dataset Loader
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1data_dir = Path.cwd().resolve() / "data" / "oidv6" / "train"
2dataset = tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory(
3 data_dir, batch_size=1, shuffle=False
Lines 2 - 4: We create the data loader using tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory()
you can also create your own data loader class.
Create a License Plate Parser Class
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1class LPReader:
2 def __init__(self, use_gpu):
3 self.reader = easyocr.Reader(["en"], gpu=use_gpu)
5 def read(self, image):
6 """Reads text from the image and joins multiple strings to a
7 single string.
8 """
9 return " ".join(self.reader.readtext(image, detail=0))
11reader = LPReader(False)
We create the license plate parser class in a Python class using easyocr
to demonstrate how
users can integrate the PeekingDuck pipeline with external packages.
Alternatively, users can create a custom node for parsing license plates and run the pipeline through the CLI instead. Refer to the custom nodes tutorial for more information.
The Inference Loop
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1def get_best_license_plate(frame, bboxes, bbox_scores, width, height):
2 """Returns the image region enclosed by the bounding box with the highest
3 confidence score.
4 """
5 best_idx = np.argmax(bbox_scores)
6 best_bbox = bboxes[best_idx].astype(np.float32).reshape((-1, 2))
7 best_bbox[:, 0] *= width
8 best_bbox[:, 1] *= height
9 best_bbox = np.round(best_bbox).astype(int)
11 return frame[slice(*best_bbox[:, 1]), slice(*best_bbox[:, 0])]
13num_col = 3
14# For visualization, we plot 3 columns, 1) the original image, 2) image with
15# bounding box, and 3) the detected license plate region with license plate
16# number prediction shown as the plot title
17fig, ax = plt.subplots(
18 len(dataset), num_col, figsize=(num_col * 3, len(dataset) * 3)
20for i, (element, path) in enumerate(zip(dataset, dataset.file_paths)):
21 image_orig = cv2.imread(path)
22 image_orig = cv2.cvtColor(image_orig, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
23 height, width = image_orig.shape[:2]
25 image = element[0].numpy().astype("uint8")[0].copy()
27 yolo_lp_input = {"img": image}
28 yolo_lp_output =
30 bbox_input = {
31 "img": image,
32 "bboxes": yolo_lp_output["bboxes"],
33 "bbox_labels": yolo_lp_output["bbox_labels"],
34 }
35 _ =
37 ax[i][0].imshow(image_orig)
38 ax[i][1].imshow(image)
39 # If there are any license plates detected, try to predict the license
40 # plate number
41 if len(yolo_lp_output["bboxes"]) > 0:
42 lp_image = get_best_license_plate(
43 image_orig, yolo_lp_output["bboxes"],
44 yolo_lp_output["bbox_scores"],
45 width,
46 height,
47 )
48 lp_pred =
49 ax[i][2].imshow(lp_image)
50 ax[i][2].title.set_text(f"Pred: {lp_pred}")
Lines 1 - 11: We define a utility function for retrieving the image region of the license plate with the highest confidence score to improve code clarity. For more information on how to convert between bounding box and image coordinates, please refer to the Bounding Box vs Image Coordinates tutorial.
Lines 27 - 35: By carefully constructing the input for each of the nodes, we can perform the inference loop within a custom workflow.
Lines 37 - 38: We plot the data using matplotlib
for debugging and visualization purposes.
Lines 41 - 48: We integrate the inference loop with external packages such as the license plate
parser we have created earlier using easyocr